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Birth Chart of Christiano Ronaldo

There are few names that have become household names when it comes to football than that of Christiano Ronaldo. He has become a living legend of the game. Let’s delve into the birth chart of Christiano Ronaldo to find out if his greatness was destined to be in the stars …

Cristiano Ronaldo’s Birth Chart:

  • Date: February 5, 1985
  • Time: 10:20 AM
  • Place: Funchal, Portugal

Astrological Positions:

  1. Sun Sign (Core Identity):
    • Cristiano Ronaldo’s Sun sign is Aquarius. This indicates an individual with a strong sense of independence, innovation, and humanitarian values. Aquarians are often forward-thinking, original, and have a deep concern for the well-being of others.
  2. Moon Sign (Emotional Needs):
    • The Moon sign is Virgo for Cristiano Ronaldo. This suggests that emotionally, he may be analytical, practical, and detail-oriented. Virgos seek perfection and may find emotional fulfillment through a structured and organized approach to life.
  3. Ascendant (Rising Sign – Outer Personality):
    • The Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is Libra. Ronaldo’s outer personality is likely to be characterized by charm, diplomacy, and a desire for harmony. Libra Ascendants often value relationships and are adept at navigating social situations.

Planetary Positions:

  1. Mercury (Communication):
    • With Mercury in Aquarius, Cristiano Ronaldo’s communication style may be progressive, intellectual, and focused on innovative ideas. Aquarian Mercuries often enjoy engaging in discussions about the future and societal advancements.
  2. Venus (Love, Relationships):
    • Venus is in Pisces, indicating a romantic and compassionate approach to love. Ronaldo may express affection and connection in a dreamy, empathetic manner. He may be attracted to artistic and spiritual qualities in relationships.
  3. Mars (Action, Drive):
    • Mars in Aries suggests a competitive and assertive drive. Cristiano Ronaldo may approach tasks with energy, determination, and a strong desire to be a leader. Aries Mars individuals often thrive on challenges and taking initiative.
  4. Jupiter (Expansion, Luck):
    • Jupiter in Aquarius suggests a broad-minded and optimistic approach to life. Ronaldo may find opportunities for growth through innovation, social connections, and a willingness to explore new ideas and perspectives.
  5. Saturn (Discipline, Responsibility):
    • Saturn in Scorpio indicates a deep sense of responsibility and a disciplined approach to transformation and shared resources. Cristiano Ronaldo may face challenges with intensity but is likely to approach them with determination and resilience.


  1. Ninth House (Philosophy, Travel):
    • Gemini resides in the Ninth House, suggesting a curiosity about different philosophies, cultures, and a love for travel. Ronaldo may find spiritual and intellectual growth through exploring diverse perspectives.
  2. Tenth House (Career, Public Life):
    • Cancer is in the Tenth House, indicating a nurturing and protective approach to the career and public image. Ronaldo may find success by aligning his professional life with values related to family, security, and emotional well-being.
  3. Eleventh House (Friends, Goals):
    • Leo in the Eleventh House suggests a focus on friendships, social circles, and goals. Ronaldo may thrive in group settings and may have ambitious, creative aspirations with a desire to stand out in his social circles.
  4. Twelfth House (Spirituality, Hidden Matters):
    • Virgo in the Twelfth House implies a meticulous and analytical approach to spirituality and hidden aspects of life. Ronaldo may find solace in routines that promote physical and mental well-being.


  • Sun sextile Mars: Harmonious blending of identity and drive, providing energy and a proactive approach to life.
  • Moon trine Jupiter: Emotional well-being enhanced by positive emotions and good fortune.
  • Mercury conjunct Jupiter: Expansive thinking and effective communication, contributing to intellectual growth.
  • Venus sextile Saturn: Stability and commitment in relationships, balancing emotional and practical aspects.

Dominant Elements and Modalities:

  • Elements: Cristiano Ronaldo has a balance of Air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini) and Water (Pisces, Scorpio) elements, indicating a harmonious blend of intellect and emotion.
  • Modalities: The presence of Fixed (Aquarius, Scorpio) and Mutable (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini) modalities suggests a combination of stability and adaptability in his personality.

Chart Patterns:

  • A stellium in Aquarius (Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in the 5th house): Emphasizing a concentration of energy and identity in areas related to creativity, self-expression, and romance.
  • A grand trine between Moon in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpio, and Uranus in Capricorn: Indicating a harmonious flow of energies between emotions, discipline, and unconventional approaches to responsibilities.

This detailed analysis provides a more nuanced understanding of Cristiano Ronaldo’s birth chart, taking into account the specific characteristics of each astrological element and placement.

We hope you enjoyed this birth chart of Christiano Ronaldo, you can find more celebrity birth charts in our library.

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